Friday, April 2, 2010

Letter to lawmakers on mustangs and horse slaughter

I am writing to urge you to pass equine protection and welfare legislation.

I am asking you to vote yes on legislation that restores wild mustangs to the land set aside for them. It is ludicrous to use my tax dollars to hold them in government pens in direct violation of the current law when that same law expects them to be free.

Please do not grant the BLM more money to hold animals in pens that are supposed to be running free.

I also urge you to enact law that prevents the transport of American horses to slaughter outside the US. This does not benefit our economy on any level.

The blatant disregard for life evident in all facets of horse slaughter - from the auction house, through transport and finally during the slaughter process - reflects upon the nation and the law makers who allow it to continue.

These animals serve human needs their entire lives and to betray and brutalize them in such a manner is despicable. A process cannot be considered humane unless it is kind and compassionate. Horses feel the pain and often remain conscious through the process. This on top of the betrayal involved in doing what is asked by the human handler only to end up violently murdered.

Allowing the practice to continue promotes irresponsible behavior and reflects poorly on our nation as a whole. Please take a stand for an animal whose voice is only heard through the vote of your constituents. It is the only humane thing to do.